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Author : 

Keisuke Itagaki

Story :  One by one the world's deadliest death row convicts come to Tokyo to get a "taste of defeat". Finally, they meet face to face in the underground martial arts arena!! With over 60 million copies printed, the BAKI series spans 4 completed series with a 5th on the way, all following Baki Hanma on his various quest to defeat his father. A new BAKI anime focused on this part of the epic will premiere on Netflix this year!
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Most intense fight scenes ever!
A lot of the characters' in-battle dialogue really pack a punch, no pun intended. Not only is the action theatrical, but you might find yourself borrowing the characters' lines into your everyday conversations!
A Man Named Baki
BAKI, a man with mysterious powers feared even by the roughest hoodlums, is up against some of the world's most wanted criminals?! An intense manga made up of epic "to-the-death" battle scenes.


Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count 54 Pages

Publisher Akita Publishing Co.,Ltd.

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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