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Immoral Cinderella

Reviews : 


4.9 (37)

Story :  Shizuka is a housewife who's been living a sexless life since her husband has changed into an overworked and somewhat abusive man. One day, she discovers that he's been having an affair and runs off to a "rental boyfriend" that her friend introduced her to. She has one goal in mind: take back her confidence as a woman. She ends up meeting the most popular of the men in the rental boyfriend service, a man named Aki, and slowly begins to remember what was all like before her marriage. A new forbidden love is born... can a housewife really have this dream?
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  • StarStarStarStarStar


    October 12, 2023 (PST)

    There is so much to unpack with this manga. Lots of drama and passion in this workplace romance. Nonetheless, it’s a VERY good read. I found myself binge reading chapter after chapter just to see what happens next, and then sitting and thinking about what I just read when I reached the last chapter. There are chapters that shocked me, and chapters that made me happy. Lots of addicting cliffhangers.
    Helpful 1 Helpful


Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count 28 Pages

Publisher Coamix Inc.

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date June 22, 2023 (PST)

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